Our weather has FINALLY warmed up, and we have been enjoying every minute of it! We have been very busy these past few weeks. My grandmother came to visit us for a week, and then my aunt came the next, we had a nice time with the both of them. We also had a short visit with Tanna and our niece Bella. She is getting so big, Colton was kind enough to help aunt tanna give her a bath. :)
Colton started swimming lessons a few weeks ago, and he is doing great! Last weekend we took him to the pool, and him and daddy had a great time going down the BIG water slide, Colton kept asking for more! Juniper Pool is such a great place to go in the summer, we love it.
Carson is working in town for a week or so, its been nice having him home before 7pm at night!
We hope everyone is having a good summer and is finding a way to stay cool!!!