we just got home from a nice long weekend in Pacific City, boy how i LOVE to go to the beach when the weather is nice, and it was just perfect for us while we were there. There was not a cloud in the sky, the temp was perfect for this time of year and it was overall a fantastic weekend. We headed over to the coast to celebrate my grandfathers 75th birthday and my cousin Melinda's 33rd birthday. we had such a nice time visiting with all the family; playing lots of games, eating lots of food, playing in the sand, and letting the kiddos run wild!
Not to much new to update on here in our house... we still have our house on the market, we had one guy who was going to make an offer but backed out, we have had several people look but no takers just yet... hopefully, something will happen before to long. Carson is still without a job, we are hoping something will come up for him here before to long, but i know that Colton loves having his daddy home all day to play with him, and it gives mommy a break so its nice to have him around. Colton is doing good, cant believe he will be 3 in just one month, makes me so sad to think my baby is not a baby anymore. good thing he still lets his mommy snuggle up with him, otherwise, I am not sure what i would do. :) Colton has been dealing with some bowel issues since birth, and we have been talking to the doctor about that since I can remember, well finally it has gotten to the point where something needed to happen, so i took him to see another doctor and he seems to think that his intestines are stretched out and he has nerve damage, so we are on a 6 month plan to get things back to work down there. He has to have an apt. scheduled for a GI doctor up in Portland at OHSU, we will update more on that once we have a date, probably in a couple of months. Other than that he is doing wonderful, and he amazes me everyday how smart he is.
Well, I hope you all are doing good...have a great week and enjoy our beach photos.