Time sure flies when you are having fun! we have been so busy this past month with work, soccer lessons, birthday parties, and family time i have hardly had the time to sit down and upload new pictures and blog.
Quick updates on us... Colton is still in soccer, the first few classes were not so good, we actually moved him into the parent-tot class so i am doing soccer too :) his cousin Bella is in the class as well. He can now sing his ABC's if i can ever figure out how to get the video off our video camera i would post it, but its the cutest thing to hear him. He is loving his new cat Burk, that poor cat puts up with so much from Colton. Burk has adapted very well to our house and to Sako who we thought would just want to eat him but really wants to play with him. Carson is doing well, working to get his CDL license he hopes to test next month. Me, i am still working away and trying to get ready for the holidays. This year we are having Thanksgiving at our house with both sides of our families over, it should be a great time.
Today, we went with Tanna, Matt, and the kids to the High Desert Museum. they had this really neat butterfly exhibit where you walk into this mesh cage type thing and there are tons and tons of live butterflies fluttering around, we actually had a few that landed on us while we were inside, Colton thought that was so neat.