I hope everyone had a Happy Fathers Day!!!
I want to wish my dad, hubby and father in law a Happy fathers day!
we spent the weekend hanging around the house, working on our sun tans :) Sunday the weather was perfect, upper 70's so after i made Carson breakfast, we all laid out in the sun. The weather has been so cold and raining , it was nice to get some vitamin D :) later in the afternoon we headed over to Carson's parents for Tacos, Carson's sister, and grandparents were there also.
I am now officially "full term" 37 weeks.... and feeling huge!!! had a check up today, i am now 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced, dr. said she is very low and it could be any time now. with my luck it will be another couple of weeks. 90% of me is so ready to be done being pregnant and meet my baby girl, but that other 10% is still in shock that we will soon have 2 kids and we will be back to changing diapers, no sleeping, taking extra long to leave the house and all that good stuff. And then i also think how Colton's world is about to be turned upside down since he has been the only child for the past 4 years, i know he will be a good big brother, but i cant help to feel bad.
Here are some pictures from Fathers Day weekend. My dad had given Colton an old bow (i think of my brothers?) and Colton LOVES to practice shooting it, Carson sets up a target and he could shoot all day long. he says he is all ready to go hunting with Daddy. So sweet.
Hopefully my next update will be news of our new arrival :) have a wonderful week!!!