Addy is now 6 weeks old, we had her 6 week check up this week and she is growing like a weed. she is now up to 10lb 14oz (in the 75% for weight) and 23 1/2'' (off the charts 100% for length) the doctor said she looked great. She is more alert during the day and loves to watch her crazy big brother who is always running wild around the house. She is sleeping well at night, gets up only once on most nights and sometimes it's not until 4am, i am loving that, and Carson and i both hope that it stays that way with her.
Colton is doing good loving being a big brother and is such a good helper, just cant get him to change a diaper just yet. :)
We have not been up to much other than enjoying summer, hard to believe its almost over, it seems like it just arrived. Carson's family will be having a family reunion next week, it will be nice to see everyone and introduce Addison to his aunts and uncles. His aunt also just had a baby about 1 week after Addy was born so it will be fun to get the girls together to compare sizes and also get some pictures. On sunday, we are going to go up one of the lifts at Mt. Bachelor this is something i have been asking Carson to do every summer, i can not wait! I will post pictures next week of that trip.