I am sure if Addison could talk she would tell me she really hates me for putting her in a pumpkin, but it was sooooo cute! :)
we had her 4 month check up, little chunky monkey is up 15lbs (90%) and 26.5" (98%) the doctor said she looks fantastic and is growing big and strong and right on track. she has great neck/head/chest support which is great too. he said i can start her on baby food since she really is showing interest in our food. once we do i will post pictures of that mess :)
This fall has been so beautiful, one of the nicest Octobers we have had in a long long time, and we have been loving every minute of it and taking full advantage of the nice weather and going on daily walks and out to the park to play. i am not in any way ready for the snow to come but i know there is no escaping it so i better just get over it and not complain, right?!
Carson and i are just a couple weeks away from celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary i wish i had some exciting plans to that i could share with you all but i am sure our night will be no different than any other night.
Colton is LOVING school (happy dance) and asks to go every day, we are so happy he loves it. THe teachers seem to really like him also, they are always giving me good reports on how well he is doing.