We took Colton to the Portland Zoo over the weekend. Couldn't have picked a better day. the weather was perfect, all the animals were out enjoying the sun, and Colton was such a good little boy. We were fortunate enough to be able to meet up with our friends the Larsen's, their daughter Melia is Colton's best friend, they had a great time together. Colton loved every part of the zoo, he got to ride a train and a school bus (we had to park elsewhere b/c it was so busy), and he was so excited when he saw that there was a tractor they could play on.
I can not wait to take him back to the zoo next year!
YAY!!! U guys got to go to the zoo! We love the zoo. You must have seen the baby elephant "sam"??? My kids are always asking when we are going back... Love all your family pics!! Ang