Happy 4th Birthday to my baby boy!!!! Wow, i wish i could freeze time, my baby is growing up so quickly!!! last week we celebrated Colton's 4th Birthday. Had a nice little family party at our house, did a BBQ, and Cake and Ice cream, he had a blast, even got him a pirate ship pinata to go along with his pirate theme ( the kids loved it since there were only a couple of kidds, and they didnt have to fight over all the candy). On his actual birthday, i took the day off work and we had a mommy and a colton day of fun, the day was totally up to him... we woke up, made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, got ready went to the store so he could pick out a toy bow that he had been asking for, went to lunch w/ junk food nanny and pappa and uncle Thomas at Red Robin, then he wanted to go to the pet store to look at the animals so we did that then headed over to Sun Mountain Fun Center to play in the arcade, after that we went home had dinner and did gifts and more cake and ice cream. Colton is growing up so much, he got weighed today, and he is 49lbs, and 46inches can not belive how big he is. He is really into drawing Carson and I pictures these days too, and his pictures finally look like something other than a bunch of lines. I love his imagination and the way he explains things to me, he is so smart! He loves to help out around the house, and in the yard with carson, he is also doing great with eating (finally!!!) he is eating his vegetables, fruits, meats, everything. I love it when he says "Mom, you are the best cook ever" its so sweet. He is such a sweet caring boy, he melts my heart every day.
On Saturday, we also celebrated Carson's 29th Birthday, only one more year til the Dirty Thirty! and yes, i have to remind him of that too :) I think i need to start planning a big party now. For his birthday, i decided that i wanted to bake him a cake from scratch so i found a really good recipe for a chocolate cake and one for chocolate cream cheese frosting. it was a hit and turned out really good. I really want to take a class on cake decorating, just need to find the time to do it.
Lil baby Addy is growing good in my belly... i have a doctor appointment on wed. and i am already 25 weeks, this pregnancy has gone by so much faster than it did when i was pregnant with Colton. I just hope that the next 3 months go just as fast. We set up her crib over the weekend and have most of the baby stuff in the room, we also did a really neat wall art type thing for her room, as soon as we get it up, i'll post pictures. but i was feeling crafty and it was my first do it yourself project. (well, OK, my idea, but my sweet husband actually did it all for me so i didnt have to breath the nasty paint and glue fumes) I can not wait to get her room all put together.