I am now over the "half way" mark of this pregnancy. i will be 24 weeks this friday, and i feel as if i am 34 weeks :) I am finally feeling pretty good and have most of my energy back, so I am very thankful for that. I found out last week that my OB is no longer with the practice i was going to, so I now have a new doctor, I meet him at the end of the month. Its kind of a bummer to have to change doctors this far into the pregnancy but what can you do?! We have decided on a name for our lil princess, it will be Addyson Marie Widmer, (Addy for short) Colton says her name is going to be Wally, so any time we talk about her he refers to her as Wally. He is going to be such a great big brother, and is really excited for Addyson to get here; he loves to put his hands on my stomach and feel her moving and kicking. Its so neat that we are able to share this experience with him and that he can actually understand what is going on... well, most of whats going on, he did ask me the other day how the baby will get out of my belly and wanted to know if she comes out my belly button. (we will just go with answering yes to that for now) :)
One week from tomorrow will be my baby's 4th birthday, where did the time go? i can not wrap my brain around the fact that he will be 4 years old, 4 seems so old. it seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital and he was so tiny. This year we are just going to celebrate his birthday with our family and a few close family friends at our house doing a BBQ. He didn't really want a birthday party he said and since i felt horrible for that and i still wanted to make his birthday special, we are still doing a pirate theme even if its only Colton, Bella and his friend Michaela. :) I know that he will have a blast with all of us.
I will post more after his birthday next week.
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