gosh, i am really slacking on updating my blog, so sorry!!!
well, i am now 18 weeks, almost 19, and that means almost HALF WAY done with this pregnancy. it makes me excited, yet sad at the same time since this will be our last baby. I am still getting sick in the mornings, and i have only gained 2lbs so far! ( i am sure i will start to pack on the pounds anytime). due to the stress that my work is giving me i have been having bad contractions already and the doctor wants me to relax, de-stress and get as much rest as i can... boy is that easier said than done, especially with Colton running around. Anyways, i just have to learn to just sit and relax i guess.
Anyways, at my last appointment i sweet talked our wonderful Dr. Amend into doing an ultra sound to see if we could find out the sex before my scheduled one a the end of the month, i honestly didn't think he would but when they said "OK" i got so excited then i felt bad since Carson was not at the app. with me, so i had him not tell me what he saw and to put write it on the u/s picture and put it in an envelope so carson and I could open it together... let me tell you, that was the longest 2 hour wait for Carson to get home from work that day, i was going nuts! he Finally got home and we opened it and it is a.............................GIRL!!!!!! yey! we are so excited to have a little girl, cant wait to buy little dresses and put bows in her hair. :) we are not 100% sure on a name, but as now it is Addison Marie, or Addison Lynn.
Other than that things are going fine, Colton is getting really excited about his birthday next month, cant believe my baby will be 4 pretty soon. this year we are just going to have a small party with just a few friends and we will have it at home this year.
I will update more after my ultrasound that is scheduled on the 22nd.... hopefully the doctor was not wrong and she is not really a "he" i have that fear lol.
Hope you are all doing well!
So cute! So excited for you! :)
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