Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time sure flies when you are having fun! we have been so busy this past month with work, soccer lessons, birthday parties, and family time i have hardly had the time to sit down and upload new pictures and blog.
Quick updates on us... Colton is still in soccer, the first few classes were not so good, we actually moved him into the parent-tot class so i am doing soccer too :) his cousin Bella is in the class as well. He can now sing his ABC's if i can ever figure out how to get the video off our video camera i would post it, but its the cutest thing to hear him. He is loving his new cat Burk, that poor cat puts up with so much from Colton. Burk has adapted very well to our house and to Sako who we thought would just want to eat him but really wants to play with him. Carson is doing well, working to get his CDL license he hopes to test next month. Me, i am still working away and trying to get ready for the holidays. This year we are having Thanksgiving at our house with both sides of our families over, it should be a great time.
Today, we went with Tanna, Matt, and the kids to the High Desert Museum. they had this really neat butterfly exhibit where you walk into this mesh cage type thing and there are tons and tons of live butterflies fluttering around, we actually had a few that landed on us while we were inside, Colton thought that was so neat.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gosh, where did October go? It's hard to believe that it is already November, next week Carson and I will be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary, it falls on a Thursday so I am not sure what we will be doing, hopefully going out to enjoy a nice dinner together. This past weekend was Halloween, Colton was a ninja this year. He had SO much fun trick or treating, each house he would run as fast as he could, ring the bell, say "trick or treat", get his goods, run back to us and show us how much candy he had in his bucket. he could not believe how much yummy stuff he scored this year.
Last week Colton started soccer lessons. He is always running around the yard playing soccer, and told me he wants to be a soccer player when he grows up so we thought it would be great to put him in lessons. Well, lets just say the first half went OK, but when they took a break and he was able to come see us, he started to cry and would not go back out to play for the life of him. i hope this week goes better.
Today, Carson called and he said that someone had dumped 5 kittens at his work on Monday, he head them meowing today and went to see what was going on, he saw all 5, when he went to go near them all of the ran away but 1 little gray one who just cowered in a little ball against the wall. Next thing i knew, he was asking me if i wanted a cat. so, he brought him home for us today. We guess he is about 6 weeks old, he is skin and bone, so sad. he hisses at you and is so scared of us, but we bought him food, and have tried to make him as comfortable as we can. we are going to give it a day or two to see if he comes around. I am not sure if i can handle a cat that is horrified of us, and not to mention Sako... he just has no idea what to think of the new house guest. But Colton was excited to have him he named him Burke. I'll update in a few days and let you all know how it is going with Mr. Burke.